Wednesday, October 29, 2008


When Kathryn got up yesterday morning, she was, as is usual, "Hung-uh-ry." So I ticked off some choices on my fingers: biscuits, waffles, muffins... I trailed off on the fourth finger and said, "Well, what do you want?" She looked at me so seriously, and said, "Wellllll, what's on the other fingers?" ;o)

p.s. If you like dressing up your computer desktop like I do, check out the uplifting and gorgeous (and free!) desktop wallpapers on I'm using a beautiful fall one with a Tozer quote~ makes me smile!


Mary Ellen said...

That is really cute!

I have that same desktop - I love it.

Kim M. said...

My boys do that too.. they always want 15 options.

I love ROH, so I'll have to check that out... thanks!

Julia said...

Breakfast is the hardest meal for me. There is hardly an easy option that doesn't lack in imagination.
Tell Kathryn that the fourth finger is always Poptarts. She's just too cute.

Nancy said...

Hilarious! Sounds like us on the voting situation..."none of the above!" LOL! Hey...I have forgotten to check your blog for a while...shame on me....I see what I was missing! I agreed totally with your previous post....great post. I have been feeling the SAME way for such a long time. we have NOT attended any rallys nor will we....I don't see much to get excited about. Although I agree with many issues with Palin, I certainly don't want her as Pres. someday....should that ever happen. nor do I want to teach my daughter the joy of being a SAHM out one side of my mouth, then drool over Palin out the other side like I see many of my friends doing! You had some great points....and well written. I will be sure to get a link to your blog on mine if that's ok!
It was nice seeing you while you were getting your sister settled in....maybe we can chat again sometime if you are ever up this way???

Anonymous said...

Keep the Kathryn stories coming. They make my day!