Dreams and Visions: Is Jesus Awakening the Muslim World
(A Book Review)
Five Stars!!!!!
On October 6, 2010, I put up a blogpost about the movie The Stoning of Soraya M. Three years later, I just completed Tom Doyle's excellent book Dreams and Visions. These two resources have totally changed my view of the Muslim world. If you're looking for a fantastic book about how God is working in a mighty way, pick up Dreams and Visions. It is an account of what may be termed the Muslim Great Awakening. Along with gripping stories from all over the Middle East, Doyle also offers a good biblical reference frame for analyzing whether or not a dream or vision is actually from Christ. What I picked up from the book is that Jesus is telling the Muslims "I love you" and "Follow me!" And they are. In droves. By the millions. I can't recommend this amazing book highly enough. My only negative remark is that I kept find myself sneaking around the house to sit down with the book, reading while brushing my teeth, grabbing it up at every spare moment. As another reviewer stated, get ready for a "splash of grace!" God is amazing!!!!
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