Sunday, November 04, 2007

Apologies Gone Awry

(As a follow-up to my last post) Kathryn ran smack-dab into me yesterday, bumping me pretty hard. Once again, she gave me a blank stare as she was thinking of what she was to say. What came out this time was, "I forgive you, Mommy!" ;o) Aren't kids hilarious?!

P.S. Shameless Promotion of My Man: If anyone is interested, you may hear Nathan's sermon from this morning (he filled in for the pastor) at under the Audio Archives. God really blessed his words today- to God be the Glory!


Matt and Silvia Decker said...

Kathryn is such a cutie pie and has such a fun personality!! Kids are so funny with what they come up with... can't wait to see what my Alex will say one of these days.

Tara said...

Look forward to checking out the message...though I already know it was good! :)

Sounds like Kathryn's little personality is just blossoming; that is so funny to be "forgiven" for having her run into YOU! Ha!

Making Memories 1999 said...

Looks like you have a cute little "Bless your heart" Southern lady!! (Loved that story! Have you heard that it doesn't matter what you say about someone, as long as you end it with "Bless his/her heart!" it's ok!!):-)

Got to see your in-laws at YC recently. I was able to speak with your m-i-l for a few minutes. So good to talk to her again. Have enjoyed "catching up" some on your blog. God bless!