Sunday, May 09, 2010

Happy, Happy Mother's Day to our Moms and Grandmoms!

I have a new appreciation these days for these women in my lives. And for the ones that have been, and now are waiting in Heaven.

Momma- you have been late night chats, unconditional love, sweetness to the core. You have been vulnerability, dependence on God, dedication to others, a garden-lover, White Shoulders perfume.

Mom Brown- you have been a deep well of wisdom, class through and through. You have been a love for the Word, great thoughts, sewing tips, and pansies.

Grammy (Frederick Morgan)- you have been a love for Jesus, a sense of all things beautiful and praiseworthy. You have been kindness, Entemann's crumb donuts, never-forgotten birthdays.

Mamaw (Moman)- you were a shoulder to cry on, a servant to your family, a deeply patient person. You were peanut butter and honey sandwiches, a ceramics kiln-baker, and daylilies.

1 comment:

Valorie Quesenberry said...

Wonderful post, Charity. Love your descriptions of and tributes to these "moms" in your life.